Also, as promised, here's Tin.
In the afternoon we had this culture exchange program, where there was planned fun for us 'Mericans. We were separated into 4 groups for the whole thing, and I was team Blue Dynamite, and one of our Vietnamese members made up our cheer, which was, "You want a piece of me, so come and get it!". It was a very entertaining afternoon. First we had to make up a dance with our 10 group members in 2 minutes, so you can imagine how that turned out. Our team came in 4th place, and we deserved it. Then we had a guessing game, where there were 7 things you had to describe to make a Vietnamese parter guess what it was, where the average number of things the Vietnamese actually got was 2. That language barrier will getcha. But it was funny to watch. Then there was this big twister-like board with dice that they brought out, but it wasnt twister at all, and I can't even begin to describe how you played. If you're truly interested feel free to ask me in person.
At night we had our club that the Glass Egg company set us up with. We all got dinner together as a group. It was fun to have it be just us. Oh and a Vietnamese student, Julie, came, and she's cool and basically fluent in English. We went to a French place, where we had heard there were, and in fact, are, amazing burgers. Then we took a cab over to Lush. I didn't bring my phone, so I don't have any pictures, but it was a pretty typical club, from my knowledge of clubs in the US. It was pretty cool and fun, though. We had a private little section on the second floor overlooking the dance area, and the manager came over and was talking to us for half the night. You know that scene in the social network where they're in a dark club and meet Justin Timberlake? It was kinda like that. So yeah we hung out there for a bit and it was fun. Then by the time we were all ready to leave I was exhausted so I went right to sleep once I got home. 'Twas a fun day.
those shoes are quite funny looking. and i appreciate finally getting to see a picture of tin